You pick out the second paper from the top.
The target's name is Harrison Davis. You know him as the "delinquent" of the school. You didn't realize someone wanted him dead and had the money to pay for it. But, a job is a job, and he does have quite a bit of your lunch money.
The back of the glasses light up.
(if: (history:)does not contain "1371a" and "1371b" and "1371c" and "1371d") ["Oh, might I mention," the man says, "Those glasses on the table will pair with the information in the document of the job you select. You'll see it on the left side of your vision. Hopefully it isn't too distracting."]
Take this job?
(click: "Yes")[(set: $target to (dm: "1371-A", "Unclaimed", "1371-B", "Current Target", "1371-C", "Unclaimed", "1371-D", "Unclaimed", "277-C", "Unclaimed"))(go-to: "taken")]The man looks at you. "Hm. That's all we have that we could assign to a newbie like you. Think you're too good for these?"
"Alright then. I'm assigning you this job myself. Easy as all hell. It's a free paycheck."
He hands you a paper from his own bag. It's a bit crumpled. The data is likely a bit outdated.
Something tells you this one isn't as easy as he says it is.
"The target's name is Sanne Thompson. About 23 years old. That's all we have on her. That, and the photo."
The file has an image of a girl on it, about 10.
"You taking? Or are you gonna pick something easier?"
[[No, take me back!|well]]
(click: "Yes.")[(set: $target to (dm: "1371-A", "Unclaimed", "1371-B", "Unclaimed", "1371-C", "Unclaimed", "1371-D", "Unclaimed", "277-C", "Current Target"))(go-to:"taken")]
(if: (history:) contains "277c") [(go-to:"target-select")](unless:(history:)contains"1371a-complete")[(if: (history:) contains "1371a") [
[[Jeffrey Williams|1371a]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 1|1371a]]]]
(unless:(history:)contains"1371b-complete")[(if: (history:) contains "1371b") [
[[Harrison Davis|1371b]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 2|1371b]]]]
(unless:(history:)contains"1371c-complete")[(if: (history:) contains "1371c") [
[[Jessica Smith|1371c]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 3|1371c]]]]
(unless:(history:)contains"1371d-complete")[(if: (history:) contains "1371d") [
[[Emily Johnson|1371d]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 4|1371d]]]]
(unless:(history:)contains"277c-complete")[(if: (history:)contains "1371a" and "1371b" and "1371c" and "1371d" and does not contain "277c")[ (go-to:"277c")]]"$playername," you say. "My name is $playername."
"Well, $playername," the man says to you, "welcome to the team."
He takes you inside of the Skade building.
"You'll be stationed in the nearby school."
"Green Valley Institute?" you say. "I-"
"We know you already go there. We know everything about you. Your birthday, your family, your social security number, your mother's maiden name."
Unsettling. A bit //more// than unsettling. Something tells you that you aren't getting out of this very easily.
"Oh, don't worry. We have everything covered for you. You'll be paid on commission, and we have mental healthcare on the fourth floor, in case things get a bit messy."
"Now. For your first job, we have a few options for you. Since you're the only one stationed at Green Valley at the moment, you'll likely have to 'take care' of them all at some point."
He sits you down at a table in a corner and hands you a folder. Inside are 4 papers, each with a name. They seem to be flipped over. There's a pair of glasses that come with them. They look just like yours..
(Hey, there's a tutorial available! Click the blue text!)
(click:"tutorial available!")[(dialog:"Targets
The main way you make money and go through the story of this game is through eliminating targets. You're picking out your first one now!
Depending on how quickly you eliminate your target and if evidence is recoverable, you will get a score that directly correlates to your pay for the hit.
You must eliminate your target within the time limit to receive pay, otherwise you'll get a write-up. Two write-ups, and you're out of the job!
You aren't forced to eliminate them in any specific order, but you should probably heed the warnings given to you during selection. Go check it out now!")]
(if: (history:) contains "1371a") [
[[Jeffrey Williams|1371a]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 1|1371a]]]
(if: (history:) contains "1371b") [
[[Harrison Davis|1371b]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 2|1371b]]]
(if: (history:) contains "1371c") [
[[Jessica Smith|1371c]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 3|1371c]]]
(if: (history:) contains "1371d") [
[[Emily Johnson|1371d]]]
(else:)[ [[Paper 4|1371d]]]
(if: (history:)contains "1371a" or "1371b" or "1371c" or "1371d")[ (go-to:"target-select")]
You pick out the paper on the very top.
The target's name is Jeffrey Williams. You know him as a simple boy who is much further ahead in his studies than most. He's a senior at the Institute. His perfect grades and stuck-up mannerisms have been getting on everyone's nerves. You'd be doing yourself, and the school, quite the favor.
The back of the glasses light up.
(if: (history:)does not contain "1371a" and "1371b" and "1371c" and "1371d") ["Oh, might I mention," the man says, "Those glasses on the table will pair with the information in the document of the job you select. You'll see it on the left side of your vision. Hopefully it isn't too distracting."]
Take this job?
(click: "Yes")[(set: $target to (dm: "1371-A", "Current Target", "1371-B", "Unclaimed", "1371-C", "Unclaimed", "1371-D", "Unclaimed", "277-C", "Unclaimed"))(go-to: "taken")]
You pick out the third paper from the top.
The target's name is Jessica Smith. You... don't actually know this girl. Oh well, if she's on this list, she must've done something.
(if: (history:)does not contain "1371a" and "1371b" and "1371c" and "1371d") ["Oh, might I mention," the man says, "Those glasses on the table will pair with the information in the document of the job you select. You'll see it on the left side of your vision. Hopefully it isn't too distracting."]
The glasses light up.
Take this job?
(click: "Yes")[(set: $target to (dm: "1371-A", "Unclaimed", "1371-B", "Unclaimed", "1371-C", "Current Target", "1371-D", "Unclaimed", "277-C", "Unclaimed"))(go-to: "taken")]You pick out the paper on the very bottom.
The target's name is Emily Johnson. You know her as the "rich girl". Always flaunting her wealth, wearing so many jewels she blocks out the sun, and her dad buys her every single thing she asks for. She's so spoiled, it's a wonder someone hasn't done this already.
The glasses light up.(if: (history:) does not contain "1371a" and "1371b" and "1371c" and "1371d") [
"Oh, might I mention," the man says, "Those glasses on the table will pair with the information in the document of the job you select. You'll see it on the left side of your vision. Hopefully it isn't too distracting."
You see a post-it on this paper. It says, "warning: current customer".
Take this job?
(click: "Yes")[(set: $target to (dm: "1371-A", "Unclaimed", "1371-B", "Unclaimed", "1371-C", "Unclaimed", "1371-D", "Current Target", "277-C", "Unclaimed"))(go-to: "taken")]"Okay then, $playername. It's time to send you off. We'll be keeping tabs on you using those glasses. No funny business. Remember who you're dealing with."
You shudder. It's horrifying, in a way. At least now you know what you're doing for the job.
Okay. Now to come up with a plan. How will you go about this?
You decide to take the week to come up with one. After all, this will be hard, considering it's your first job...
(after: 6s)[(append:?Sidebar) [
Time Limit Active: 1w]]
(after:7s)[Scratch that. An hour at max for planning.
We'll just have to see where this goes.]
(after:4s) [(replace:?Sidebar)
[Welcome, $playername Target Info:
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[Jeffrey Williams
H: Blonde, E: Blue
1371-A](if: $target's '1371-B' is "Current Target")[Harrison Davis
H: Brown, E: Brown
1371-B](if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[Jessica Smith
H: Brown, E: Blue
1371-C](if: $target's '1371-D' is "Current Target")[Emily Johnson
H: Blonde, E: Green
1371-D](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
Searching for match...]]
(after:8s)[[[Proceed to school|monday1]]]Alright. First job. Here goes nothing.
You place your bag through the scanner and go through the metal detector. It's a good thing you didn't bring anything to finish the job with in advance.
You sling your bag over your shoulder and head right to get breakfast. Your father always told you, never make decisions on an empty stomach.
You sit down at the breakfast table after getting off the line, and start eating your shoddy cheese omelette. A girl walks up to you, and sets down her things next to yours. She's breathing heavily. It looks like she was in quite the rush to get here...
"Hi, $playername! Did you get the job you were looking for?" She asks you.
...what was her name again?
(click:"...what was her name again?")[(set: $sanneName to (prompt: "...what was her name again? (Be sure to capitalize the first letter.)", "")) (go-to:"monday1-sannemeet")]
(after:4s) [(replace:?Sidebar)
[Welcome, $playername Target Info:
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[Jeffrey Williams
H: Blonde, E: Blue
1371-A](if: $target's '1371-B' is "Current Target")[Harrison Davis
H: Brown, E: Brown
1371-B](if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[Jessica Smith
H: Brown, E: Blue
1371-C](if: $target's '1371-D' is "Current Target")[Emily Johnson
H: Blonde, E: Green
1371-D](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
Searching for match...]](if:(lowercase:$sanneName) is "sanne" and $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[Her name is... wait, why are my glasses going off?
She doesn't even fit the photo for that lady. And even then, the guy said the target was 27 or so... you're both just 21.
Oh well. You'll bring up the issue with him later. Maybe you'll take a different case.](else:)[Her name is $sanneName! Of course, how could I forget!]66
"Hi, $sanneName," you say to her. "Yeah, I got the job."
"Now that I mention it, what is it?"
"Er..." Shoot. You can't tell her about this.
"Lemme guess! An... unpaid intern?" She jokes. She hasn't got a clue. It'd be best to lie.
"No, I'm... I'm a mechanic. I work at that repair shop a few blocks from here."
"Sweet! I bet they pay pretty well, don't they?"
"Yeah, they do." Around 15 thousand per job is a bit more than 'pretty well'.
"Nice! Glad you're finally making your own money."
The bell for class rings. First period is starting in about five minutes.
[[Skip this period|monday1-b1p1-skpd]]
[[Head upstairs to class|monday1-b1p1-cls]]
(Hey, there's a tutorial available!)
(click: "tutorial available!")[(dialog:"Classes
Your school day is split up into 2 blocks: before and after lunch. Each block is split into 3 periods, which means you have 6 periods excluding lunch.
During classes, if you decide to attend, you won't be able to take any actions to eliminate your target. You will be able to Passive Plan, though.
When you Passive Plan, you focus more on eliminating your target than your classes. This can be useful for figuring out new strategies to try when you're feeling stuck, but be warned; each time you do this, you're missing out on valuable information from class. This will cause your grades to drop.
If you decide to skip your classes, you'll be able to take actions to prepare to eliminate your target. However, your teachers may call your home or send someone to search for you. You definitely would not want to have someone looking for you while you're trying to dispose of something incriminating!", "Got it!")]
[Welcome, $playername Target Info:
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[Jeffrey Williams
H: Blonde, E: Blue
Searching for match...](if: $target's '1371-B' is "Current Target")[Harrison Davis
H: Brown, E: Brown
Searching for match...](if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[Jessica Smith
H: Brown, E: Blue
Searching for match...](if: $target's '1371-D' is "Current Target")[Emily Johnson
H: Blonde, E: Green
Searching for match...](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
Searching for match...](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[(after: 1.5s)[(enchant:?Sidebar,(color:red))(replace:?Sidebar)[Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
'''Match Found.''']]]](alert:"Hey, thanks for playing! Here's some things before you start:
- You can only open tutorials once, unless you reload the page. This is due to Twine's limitations.
- Play this game in 80% browser zoom for the best experience.
- All characters and events are completely fictional
- All characters depicted are over 18 years of age.
- This game may contain triggering content. Please do not continue if you are easily disturbed.", "Got it!")
Monday morning. 7:00 A.M. You step out of the car. You're calm. You're collected. You're ready. At least, that's what you tell yourself.
You look up at the Skade building. It's tall, but unassuming compared to the buildings around it.
Your uniform is uncomfortable under your dad's suit and tie. After this meetup, you'll be off to school.
You know that this is a bad way to get cash. But it's quick, and all it needs is a trigger pulled. You don't care. You just need to make sure you can live well. That's all your mom wants for you.
A man greets you at the door. "Hello. Your name, please?"
You say, "My name is..."
(click: "My name is...")[(set:$playername to (prompt: "My name is...", ""))
(go-to:"well")]You decide to head for the courtyard. As you head for the door, $sanneName asks you, "Hey, $playername, aren't you heading up to class?"
"No, I'm just going to chill in the courtyard for a few. I'll see you in class in a little while."
"Well, okay... Just don't forget about the quiz on Friday. We can't miss that, and I don't think Ms. Cameron will let us exchange notes."
"I won't."
She walks away, and you walk into the courtyard.
//Phew.// It's a good thing she's gullible.
You see someone you recognize in the courtyard. It's **Jeffrey**.
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[Your glasses go off. The visual turns red. Now would be a good time to start thinking.]
He's walking with his little group of smart kids. You wonder what they're talking about. Knowing him, it's probably some quantum physics or something.
Why aren't they in class? Did they also decide to take the period off? That's strange. You've never seen him just //leave// like that.
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[This could be a pretty good sign though. It might be an opportunity to finish this early...
but it'd be risky. His little brain clique will probably be following him around for a while, at worst until the end of the day. Besides, you don't even have a weapon.](else:)[Eh. It's not like it's any of your business right now. Besides, you have another target to get rid of now, and you aren't even sure how to get rid of them.]
Maybe looking around the school will give you a few ideas.
(after:4s) [(replace:?Sidebar)
[Welcome, $playername Target Info:
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[Jeffrey Williams
H: Blonde, E: Blue
1371-A](if: $target's '1371-B' is "Current Target")[Harrison Davis
H: Brown, E: Brown
1371-B](if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[Jessica Smith
H: Brown, E: Blue
1371-C](if: $target's '1371-D' is "Current Target")[Emily Johnson
H: Blonde, E: Green
1371-D](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
277-C](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[(after: 22s)[(enchant:?Sidebar, (color:red))(replace:?Sidebar)Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
''Match Found.'']]]]]
(prepend:?Sidebar)[8:05 AM
]You decide to head upstairs to class. Keeping those grades up is essential, after all. You need to stay inconspicuous. You check your schedule. Right now, you're heading to... English. Makes sense. (set: $schedule to 1)
You sit down in your seat, sling your bag over your chair, and take out your books...
(if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[Wait. Why are your glasses going off?
You glance around the room. You see a vaguely familiar face.
**Jessica**. Of course, that's the job you took. Why else would they go off?
You didn't know she was in your class. This might make things a bit tougher. Or easier. You aren't sure just yet.
Oh, yeah. It's classtime. ]]The teacher tells you to open your book to lesson 4.
Here comes the decision.
(Hey, there's 2 tutorials available!)
(click:"2 tutorials available!")[(dialog:"Classtime Minigame
During classtime, you'll be able to Passive Plan and collect information on your target and how to eliminate them. However, you'll need to split your attention between your target and your teacher!
Each period, you'll have 5 chances to write notes on either your class or elimination methods. Each chance is only about 3 seconds, so choose quickly and choose wisely!
Sometimes your teachers will go on needless tangents. This will be a good opportunity to think about something else.
Your notebooks will save, so be sure to check them after class so you can study. You have a seperate one for eliminations and classwork.
Every Friday, you will get a quiz for each class. If you spend too many of your chances on elimination methods, you won't have the notes to pass your quizzes, and your grades will take a pretty big hit.
You've officially unlocked your inventory. Go ahead and give it a look, it'll tell you about notes you've written, items you've collected, and other things...
Due to limitations you can only open it once per passage, unless the page is reloaded.","Got it!")]
[[Begin Class|monday1-b1p1-clsmgstart]]
Open inventory
(click:"Open inventory")[(dialog: bind $inv, [You open your backpack carefully...], "Notebooks", "Schedule", "Items", "Close")
(if: $inv is "Notebooks")[(dialog: bind $invnotes, "Which one will you open?", "Target Info", "English", "Close")
(if: $invnotes is "Target Info")[(dialog: [(if: $notes's target is 0)[You don't have any additional information on your target.]], "Close")]]
(if: $invnotes is "English")[(dialog: [(if: $notes's target is 0)[You don't have any notes for this class.]], "Close")]]
(if: $inv is "Schedule")[(dialog: [You are in period $schedule. It's currently 8:05 AM.], "Close")]
(after:4s) [(replace:?Sidebar)
[Welcome, $playername Target Info:
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[Jeffrey Williams
H: Blonde, E: Blue
1371-A](if: $target's '1371-B' is "Current Target")[Harrison Davis
H: Brown, E: Brown
1371-B](if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[Jessica Smith
H: Brown, E: Blue
1371-C](if: $target's '1371-D' is "Current Target")[Emily Johnson
H: Blonde, E: Green
1371-D](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
Searching for match...]]
(if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[(after: 5s)[(enchant:?Sidebar,(color:red))(replace:?Sidebar)[Jessica Smith
H: Brown, E: Blue
''Match Found'']]]
(prepend:?Sidebar)[8:05 AM
(set: $notes to (dm: "english", 0, "target", 0))Hey! Sorry to break your immersion, but this is where the game ends right now. There's no more content on this path past this point. Thank you for playing!
Would you like to [[try a new path?|start]]Hey! Sorry to break your immersion, but this is where the game ends right now. There's no more content on this path past this point. Thank you for playing!
Would you like to [[try a new path?|start]]"Alright then. Put on the glasses, $playername."
You take off your glasses, and put on the glowing ones on the table...
(after:4s) [(replace:?Sidebar)
[Welcome, $playername Target Info:
(if: $target's '1371-A' is "Current Target")[Jeffrey Williams
H: Blonde, E: Blue
1371-A](if: $target's '1371-B' is "Current Target")[Harrison Davis
H: Brown, E: Brown
1371-B](if: $target's '1371-C' is "Current Target")[Jessica Smith
H: Brown, E: Blue
1371-C](if: $target's '1371-D' is "Current Target")[Emily Johnson
H: Blonde, E: Green
1371-D](if: $target's '277-C' is "Current Target")[Sanne Thompson
Unknown Appearance
277-C]Searching for match...]]
(live:8s)["So, how do you like them?"
"They're... amazing." Tech has gotten pretty crazy lately, hasn't it?]